1,438 research outputs found

    Cyber-Attack Detection in Autonomous Vehicle Networks by Energy Aware Optimal Data Transmission with Game Fuzzy Q-Learning based Heuristic Routing Protocol

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    The automotive sector has seen a dramatic transition due to rapid technological advancement. Network connection has improved, enabling the transfer of the cars' technologies from being fully machine- to software-controlled. Controller area network (CAN) bus protocol manages network for autonomous vehicles. However, due to the intricacy of data and traffic patterns that facilitate unauthorised access to a can bus and many sorts of assaults, the autonomous vehicle network still has security flaws as well as vulnerabilities. This research proposes novel technique in cyber attack detection in autonomous vehicle networks enhanced data transmission based optimization and routing technique. Here the autonomous vehicle network optimal data transmission has been carried out using energy aware lagrangian multipliers based optimal data transmission. The cyber attack detection has been carried out using fuzzy q-learning based heuristic routing protocol. The experimental results has been carried out based on optimal data transmission and attack detection in terms of throughput of 95%, PDR of 94%, End-end delay of 46%, energy efficiency of 96%, network lifetime of 95%, attack detection rate of 88%

    Angular distribution, kinetic energy distributions, and excitation functions of fast metastable oxygen fragments following electron impact of CO2

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    Dissociative excitation of CO2 by electron impact was studied using the methods of translational spectroscopy and angular distribution analysis. Earlier time of flight studies revealed two overlapping spectra, the slower of which was attributed to metastable CO(a3 pi) fragments. The fast peak is the focus of this study. Threshold energy, angular distribution, and improve time of flight measurements indicate that the fast peak actually consists of five overlapping features. The slowest of the five features is found to consist of metastable 0(5S) produced by predissociation of a sigma u + state of CO2 into 0(5S) + CO(a3 pi). Oxygen Rydberg fragments originating directly from a different sigma u + state are believed to make up the next fastest feature. Mechanisms for producing the three remaining features are discussed

    Public/Private Distinction in Islamic Jurisprudence: Reflection on Islamic Constitutionalism

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    The study seeks to attract scholars\u27 attention to the importance of normative theory in the process of constitutionalism in the Islamic world. The study argues that Islamic jurisprudence requires a state or a public authority to ensure the conformity of outward with Islamic norms. Accordingly, the preservation of Islamic norms is a central value controlling the dynamics of public/private distinction. Thus, the central value determines the meaning of limited government, and the study argues this central value in constitutional level defines people\u27s liberties. Then, the study discusses the effect of the Islamic normative theory on the liberal-Islamic model of constitutionalism. The study focuses on what it calls the internalizing effect of an Islamic clause. The study addresses the feasibility of the liberal-Islamic model of constitutionalism regarding the normative theory of Islamic jurisprudence. The study mainly questions the capability of judicial review to fulfill its role within the model because its interpretation is subject to the internal rationale and central value of the Islamic normative theory. The study conducts a textual analysis of Islamic clauses, and it employs Carl Schmitt\u27s concept of central Domain to examine the internalizing effect of an Islamic clause

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Stres Kerja pada Penyelam di PT. X

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    Stress can be perceived as a response to threats situations (either physical or psychological) caused by individual inability to overcome existing threats within his/her environment. Job stress is the result of interaction between an individual (i.e. a worker) and his/her occupation. The objective of this study to identify the factor affecting tojob stress by the divers at PT. X. This study applied cross-sectional design conducted by observing the divers at PT. X. The population of this study was all divers working at PT. X. Data was analyzed by Spearman Correlation Test, Pearson Correlation Test, and Chi-square Test. The results of this study is strong correlation between personality type and job stress (as indicated by correlation coefficient 0.645). The divers\u27 age (correlation coefficient -0.283), educational level (correlation coefficient -0.220), years of service/experience (correlation coefficient -0.158), length of diving session (correlation coefficient 0.083), and threats of marine animal attack (correlation coefficient 0.156) had lower correlation with job stress. While the divers residence might also affect their job stress (as indicated by correlation coefficient 0.539)

    Using spreadsheets in production planning in a pharmaceutical company

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementLiving in the technological era, a successful company nowadays is the company that integrates Information Technology (IT) with its business. Otherwise, it might face a huge risk of not being able to survive in today’s market against the huge competition that is highly influenced by IT. However, integrating IT with business is not so simple due to several factors, namely: the available resources, choosing the right solution, top management support, time constraints, and finally achieving the proper user training and adoption. It is obviously not so wise to keep on waiting until all these obstacles are solved when there is a possibility of using some of the available resources such as Microsoft Office tools that might ease several processes of the business until the needed system is implemented and used. In a supply chain, as a supplier or a manufacturer, production usually follows a production plan that is typically created by the supply planning department. A production plan relies on a demand forecast, whereas a demand forecast usually relies on historical data, but the market demand changes and a forecast does not always match the demand, so whenever there is a change in the forecast, production plans are updated accordingly (Graves, 2011). Therefore, if we are looking to optimize the supply chain, it is necessary to build a strong relationship between the supply chain partners because their collaboration becomes vital in such a scenario. This collaboration means that the partners of the supply chain must share their information with each other (Groznik & Maslaric, 2012). Such information can be about the inventory stock levels of the customer towards the supplier which helps in optimizing the Reorder Level that is defined as “the point at which the company will reorder stock” (Meng, 2006), resulting in creating more successful production plans that matches the market demand. However, these processes can hardly be done and managed manually, theyactually require the help of an IT system that is integrated with the supply chain for achieving the expected results. Aligning IT with the supply chain and using e-business to manage the relationship between suppliers and customers can lower costs, this is due to the fact that IT can contribute in supporting the collaboration and coordination through an easy way of information sharing between the partners of the supply chain (Auramo, Kauremaa, & Tanskanen, 2005). Moreover, using IT in a supply chain does not necessarily need to be costly or difficult to use; insteadspreadsheets for instance can be used for Inventory Planning that is defined as “figuring out what your inventory should be (not counting what you have)” (Estep, 2012). Even though using spreadsheet tools such as Microsoft Office tools does not require purchasing an IT system, it is still considered a type of integrating IT with a business process that can significantly improve the supply chain

    Optimalisasi Vba Ms. Excel Untuk Translator Koordinat Utm

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    Program Microsoft Office Excel merupakan salah satu program kategori spreadsheet yang dilengkapi dengan Visual Basic For Application (VBA) yaitu; aplikasi bahasa pemro-graman yang diturunkan dari Microsoft Visual Basic untuk pengembangan macro pada program-program aplikasi berbasis Windows untuk dapat melakukan suatu pemprosesan secara cepat, terpadu dan presisi dalam membantu menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan.Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyiapkan serangkaian formulasi bahasa pro-gram yang efektif, efisien dan mudah dioperasikan oleh pengguna dalam menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan pengukuran.Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan formulasi bahasa pemprograman VBA di dalam lembar kerja macro_excel yang dikemas dalam interface Visual Basic se-hingga menciptakan program dengan produk file berekstensikan script (*.scr) yang dapat dieksekusi dikolom perintah AutoCAD dengan automatisasi klasifikasi layer berdasarkan pembagian form pengisian yang berbeda, yaitu Form Data Poligon dan Form Data Situasi.Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah program translator koordinat dengan nama Trans. UTM yang lebih userfriendly, ringan dan sederhana. Trans. UTM memfasilitasi kapasitas penginputan jumlah data ukur masing-masing form hingga 5000 titik dengan automatisasi pengklasifikasian layer sesuai dengan form data input yang digunakan

    Future benefits and applications of intelligent on-board processing to VSAT services

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    The trends and roles of VSAT services in the year 2010 time frame are examined based on an overall network and service model for that period. An estimate of the VSAT traffic is then made and the service and general network requirements are identified. In order to accommodate these traffic needs, four satellite VSAT architectures based on the use of fixed or scanning multibeam antennas in conjunction with IF switching or onboard regeneration and baseband processing are suggested. The performance of each of these architectures is assessed and the key enabling technologies are identified